凡事都可行, 但不都有益處. 凡事都可行, 但不都造就人(林前10:23). 無論做什麼, 都要為榮耀神而行 (林前10:31). 這些經文, 是我信主後對自己的提醒和盼望. 没想到嘻笑人生, 20多年過去, 還没結出好果子. 以後請大家換個角度看我: "還好這人已經信主了, 不然更糟."

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


There was a story in this Sunday's preaching made me feel very uncomfortable. It's really unnecessary to whip a 2-years old multiple times for "not praying before going to bed". There are many milder and more educational ways to handle that. My mind blocked my ears after listening to that story. I might miss some good points followed by, but... Oh well, all my personal opinions. 

I've been coming home empty (no visions) for many Sundays, which is nothing unusual to me because my spiritual life has been low. I was alerted by coming home not only empty but also uncomfortable this time, because that's something unusual to me. After seriously thought over, I got this quote from the Bible: "Where there is no vision, the people are uncontrolled; but he who keeps the law will be happy." God words came in time again. God is good, all the time!

From now on, I'll remember to pray before going to church Sunday morning. Make sure to get myself ready for visions (not just for social). For me, a vision always comes with a touch feeling. A touch feeling never comes with those 1,2,3,4,... on a list which only help me fall into sleep quickly. Maybe expect too much from preachers, but nothing wrong to wish. Good to dump them out though. I'm happy as usual again. Praise the Lord.

有人覺得我中文用的好好的, 為什麼有時候要用英文寫? ! 當我也想和兒女分享的時候, 只有用英文寫, 他們才會看. 從前女兒說我的EnglishChinglish, 母語, 表達. 這次Vision的人各有解讀, 看成好幾個Version, 都是出自善意(包括我在內), 不多作文章了. 管教小孩的方法和輕重, 相信大部份父母心裡都拿捏得準. 林書豪(Jeremy Lin)小的時候, 曾經多次藉著用頭撞牆來達到目的, 後來被他媽媽識破, 幫助他撞了一次, 他就再也不了. 寫到這兒, 心裡不禁嘀咕, 當年兒子和女兒不肯去中文學校的時候, 若是用鞭子狠抽一頓(甚至好幾頓), 他們現在說不定說不定只記得挨了揍, 還是看不懂中文.

Monday, July 16, 2012

W28 L31

上面這張照片19748月拍的右邊那位是和我相識50年的好友我們一路相互建造, 虧損對方, 很少口下留情, 但是不傷感情那年的大專聯考放榜他陪我去看榜經歷奇蹟. 這張照片裡, 他不是重點, 左邊的我才是重點, ...  歲月不饒人, 我的Blue Jean, SizeW28 L31穿到了現在的W42 L29, 腰粗了50%也罷腿短了兩吋? 實在很難接受.

[Update] 下面這張, 20165月拍的. 兩個奸巨滑的東西坦然面對歲月留下的痕跡.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


昨天(07/14/2012)John, 他在體檢時, 按護士的要求, 把肺部的空氣全部呼出去, 結果當場昏倒. 醒來後, 除了頭上多了一個大包, 還多了一些感慨. 他第一個想到的, 竟是要對傳道人好一點, 因為最後還需要麻煩他們作安息禮拜. 不知道是不是摔壞了腦袋, 他覺得很好笑. Eric缺乏安慰人的恩賜, 只會放馬後炮: "John, 還好你在驚慌中失去知覺有很多可感恩的地方."

2010年春天, 我在台灣林口長庚醫院, 做腸鏡檢查, 要全身麻醉. 躺在手術床上, 身上只有一件遮前不遮後的手術衣, 右手臂吊了點滴. 當護士開放麻醉藥流動的那一剎那, 手術床搖了一下, 只聽護士驚叫: "地震!" 所以我是在驚慌中失去知覺. 醒來後, 一時搞不清楚自己是在天堂還是地獄, 非常害怕. 清醒後, 感謝讚美主, 沒讓我在地震時穿著遮前不遮後的手術衣, 自己拿著點滴往外跑. 我知道John不是幸災樂禍的人, 但是希望我的經歷能讓他心裡好過一些.

第一次讀詩篇90篇時, 剛信主沒多久, 看到第10節上半: "我們一生的年日是七十歲, 若是強壯可到八十;" 心裡甚是安慰, 因為那時52, 而且體力相當好, 一副可以活到80歲的樣子. 曾幾何時, 62歲了, 體力大不如前, 每天午後, 若不小睡片刻, 幾乎活不下去. 現在再讀這個章節, 人生不但縮短10, 而且好像只剩8. 不禁想起在台北某廁所的牆上, 看到的留言: "日子就像這捲衛生紙, 看著挺多, 用著用著就快沒了." 心有戚戚焉.

人說, 來到這個世界, 就沒打算活著回去, 所以心一橫, 什麼壞事都可以做的出來. 基督徒對生命有不同的信心, 彼得前書1:6和空巢老人共勉之: "我們是大有喜樂; 但如今, 在百般的試煉中暫時憂愁," 感謝讚美主.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer of 1964

Most of you probably never had experience of being a troublemaker. Summer of 1964 was one of the darkest periods in my life. The attached transcript tells you why. 2 areas white-out by me cuz I really wasn’t that bad (I think). It ended with the principal suggested my parents to change environment for me. So, after that Summer, I transferred to another star middle school. This's just one of those countless troubles I brought to my parents. Compare to what I've got from my kids, my life has been way easier than my parents. Tomorrow (06/21/2015) is Father’s day, this’s posted in memorial of my dad. Sorry dad, I love you and I really miss you.