I've been coming home
empty (no visions) for many Sundays, which is nothing unusual to me because my spiritual life has been low. I was alerted by coming home not only empty but also uncomfortable this time, because that's something unusual to me. After seriously thought over, I got this quote from the
Bible: "Where there is no vision, the people are uncontrolled; but he
who keeps the law will be happy." God words came in time again. God is good, all the time!
From now
on, I'll remember to pray before going to church Sunday morning. Make sure
to get myself ready for visions (not just for social). For me, a vision always
comes with a touch feeling. A touch feeling never comes with those 1,2,3,4,...
on a list which only help me fall into sleep quickly. Maybe expect too much
from preachers, but nothing wrong to wish. Good to dump them out though. I'm
happy as usual again. Praise the Lord.
有人覺得我中文用的好好的, 為什麼有時候要用英文寫? 唉! 當我也想和兒女分享的時候,
只有用英文寫, 他們才會看. 從前女兒說我的English是Chinglish, 不用母語, 就是表達不好. 這次看Vision的人各有解讀, 被看成了好幾個Version, 都是出自善意(包括我在內), 不多作文章了. 管教小孩的方法和輕重,
相信大部份父母心裡都拿捏得準. 林書豪(Jeremy Lin)小的時候,
曾經多次藉著用頭撞牆來達到目的, 後來被他媽媽識破, 幫助他撞了一次, 他就再也不了. 寫到這兒, 心裡不禁嘀咕,
當年兒子和女兒不肯去中文學校的時候, 若是用鞭子狠抽一頓(甚至好幾頓),
他們現在說不定… 說不定只記得挨了揍, 還是看不懂中文.