凡事都可行, 但不都有益處. 凡事都可行, 但不都造就人(林前10:23). 無論做什麼, 都要為榮耀神而行 (林前10:31). 這些經文, 是我信主後對自己的提醒和盼望. 没想到嘻笑人生, 20多年過去, 還没結出好果子. 以後請大家換個角度看我: "還好這人已經信主了, 不然更糟."

Friday, September 12, 2014

請代禱 (2014-0912)

請你們為照顧我母親的外勞的外公代禱求神憐憫讓他從昏迷中醒過來她外公80多歲, 09/06摔倒撞到後腦勺昏迷不醒已在ICU 6因為醫院離她家3小時她父親中風在床弟弟10她母親忙不過來要她回印尼幫忙.

我的機票是09/18, 若是到09/16, 她外公還不醒她非走不可那我就需要改行程留下來找合適的替換照顧我母親可能需要多待幾個月短時間內回不去了幾天來我為她外公禱告時佷心虚雖然認罪悔改總覺得神不會應允因為我心裡對她外公没有愛誠實的說我是為自己求益處.

這時我想到了弟兄姊妹們你們愛不愛我没關係我回Dallas對你們毫無益處所以你們出自憐恤為這件事代禱不是為自己求益處神或許會應允你們馬太福音5:7憐恤人的人有福了因為他必蒙憐恤. 願神祝福你們.

[Update 0917] 昨天把機票改為Open, 09/18啓程回美的門已關上, 繼績禱告, 等候神為我開一扇窗.


Anonymous said...

能夠為人代禱是神給基督徒的福氣。知道您心中有牽掛,但無論是為了您自己的好處或者是為了父親的看護,神知道您的心意是依靠祂因為您不能在這件事上出什麼力,唯有到祂面前求,不但如此還拖我們下水。祂總要在這件事上叫愛祂的人得益處。 所以就不必坦心。總有些人會與您一起下水的,為的是將榮耀歸給那看護您的神。


Ernest said...

Just post an article to encourage and pray for you from Life Principles Bible by Charles Stanley. Love Ernest
Col. 1:9–12
1:9 因此,我們自從聽見的日子,也就為你們不住地禱告祈求,願你們在一切屬靈的智慧悟性上,滿心知道 神的旨意;
1:10 好叫你們行事為人對得起主,凡事蒙他喜悅,在一切善事上結果子,漸漸地多知道 神;
1:11 照他榮耀的權能,得以在各樣的力上加力,好叫你們凡事歡歡喜喜地忍耐寬容;
1:12 又感謝父,叫我們能與眾聖徒在光明中同得基業。
Charles Finney, a nineteenth century American evangelist, sometimes wrestled with what to say in prayer. One day a woman acquaintance fell deathly ill. She did not know Christ, but her husband asked Finney to pray for her.
Charles Finney, 19世紀的傳道者, 有時艱苦的去處理在禱告說些什麼. 有一天熟悉的婦人病的幾乎死去. 祂不認識基督, 但她的丈夫要求Finney先生為她祈求.

Finney immediately became burdened for the woman, but he didn’t know how to pray. Finally, after grasping for the right words, Finney received a breakthrough. He said he “was enabled to roll the burden upon” God and that he immediately felt sure the woman would not die.
Finney立刻變得對婦人有負擔, 但他不知如何禱告. 最後, 領會到正確的話語, Finney領受到一個突破. 他說他 “是能轉滾這負擔給” 神而且他立刻確信覺得婦人不會死.
Not long afterwards, the woman made a full recovery and committed her life to Christ.
不久之後, 婦人得到完全的復原和委身她的生命給基督.
There’s much more to prayer, however, than a passionate plea for God to intervene. Paul often sprinkled his letters with intriguing prayers. We find one of them in Colossians 1:9–12. In seven requests, Paul covers every area of our lives that needs the daily touch of God:
有更多關於禱告, 無論如何, 超過熱烈的懇求神來介於其間. 保羅常常散置祂的信以激起禱告的好奇和興趣. 我們找到他們的一個在Colossians 西 1:9–12.在七個請求, 保羅包含我們生命的每一區域需要神每天的關照.
1. May we be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding (v. 9). Ask God to fill you with the spiritual understanding you need as you walk in His will and study His Word.
願你們在一切屬靈的智慧悟性上,滿心知道 神的旨意. (v. 9). 祈求神充滿著你所需的屬靈的智慧,當你走在衪的旨意和學習衪的話語
2. May we walk in a manner worthy of the Lord Jesus Christ (v. 10). Jesus lived a blameless life, exactly what we should pursue.
好叫你們行事為人對得起主(v. 10). ‧耶穌生活著無瑕疵的生命,正是我們應追求的什麼.
3. May we please God in all respects (v. 10). Paul encourages believers to live a life pleasing to God and to excel in their Christian walk.
凡事蒙他喜悅(v. 10). 保羅鼓勵信徒活出生命取悅神和擅長於他們基督徒的生活方式.
4. May we bear fruit in every good work (v. 10). We prove we are Jesus’ disciples when we bear fruit.
在一切善事上結果子(v. 10).. 我們証明我們是耶穌的門徒當我們結果子.
5. May we increasingly grow in the knowledge of God (v. 10). We should ask for more and more knowledge from His tremendous resources.
漸漸地多知道 神. (v. 10). 我們應祈求更多更多知識從衪巨大的資源.
6. May we be strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power (v. 11). Ask God to strengthen you to do His will for His glory—and He will do it.
照他榮耀的權能,得以在各樣的力上加力. (v. 11). 祈求神加增力量去做祂的旨意為衪的榮耀--且祂會做它.
7. May our lives express joyous thanks to the Father for His grace to us (v. 12). Our love for Him should run so deep that we can’t help but give glory and honor to Him.
又感謝父,叫我們能與眾聖徒在光明中同得基業. (v. 12). 我們的愛給祂是如此深切我們不得不給于祂榮耀和名譽

your yet to be converted friend said...

Look at it from a different perspective, may be this is god's way of telling you to stay with your mom a little longer.