凡事都可行, 但不都有益處. 凡事都可行, 但不都造就人(林前10:23). 無論做什麼, 都要為榮耀神而行 (林前10:31). 這些經文, 是我信主後對自己的提醒和盼望. 没想到嘻笑人生, 20多年過去, 還没結出好果子. 以後請大家換個角度看我: "還好這人已經信主了, 不然更糟."

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Positive Attitude

The quarantine hotel staffs remember my sister checked out a week ago. They also remember I stayed there for 15 days in Nov. They are so friendly to me, which makes me decide to give up the idea of making a video clip to complain about all those poor meals they served during my stay. Rather than keep those bad memories active, might as well try my best to enjoy all meals these coming 15 days.

After making such a decision, I amazingly enjoyed my first 2 meals. They were actually the same poor meals as what I had in Nov, but I enjoyed them pretty much this time. My attitude changed my taste buds! Then I realized that I really had chance to free myself from bitterness last time, the problem was I didn't even try. I had so many similar problems in my life. Thanks God for His patience and guidance. Wish HIM add me more strength to keep a positive attitude helps me out on growing the older the better.

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