凡事都可行, 但不都有益處. 凡事都可行, 但不都造就人(林前10:23). 無論做什麼, 都要為榮耀神而行 (林前10:31). 這些經文, 是我信主後對自己的提醒和盼望. 没想到嘻笑人生, 20多年過去, 還没結出好果子. 以後請大家換個角度看我: "還好這人已經信主了, 不然更糟."

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Jeremy Lin(林書豪), 從02/04/2012到02/11/2012, 短短的8天內, 打了5場好球, 讓New York Knicks起死回生, 也讓他自己從板凳球員躍升為明星球員. 甚至從此世上因為他多了一個英文單字, Linsanity (Lin insanity), 充份表現出大家已經為他瘋狂. 藉著媒體的報導, 為他在球場內的表現讚嘆. 從報導中知道了他是基督徒, 當時並不覺得希奇, 因為基督徒到處都是. 看了好消息電視和宇宙光雜誌(in Recommend Links)訪問他和他的母親之後, 才知道他是那麼成熟的基督徒, 希奇到令我驚嘆! 相信這5場球絕不是曇花一現.

Jeremy從小就有打籃球的天份, 得到每位教練的賞識, 總是能成為所屬球隊的靈魂人物. 林媽媽常常提醒他: "要謙卑, 要把榮耀歸給上帝." 後來, 當他覺得打球不再是一件單純快樂的事時, 神藉著哥林多前書9章24-25節提醒他: "難道你們不知道, 在場上賽跑的人, 雖然大家都跑, 但得獎的只有一個人嗎? 你們都應當這樣跑, 好叫你們可以得獎. 凡參加運動比賽的, 在一切事上都有節制; 他們這樣作, 不過要得到能壞的冠冕, 我們卻是要得不朽的冠冕." 神讓他清楚的看見, 榮耀上帝曾經是他打籃球的目的, 能壞的冠冕(好的比賽, 好的得分, 與球隊續約, ...)卻是他後來努力的. 籃球在他的生命中, 已超越了上帝. 於是他調整自己, 再開始盡力為上帝打籃球, 把最好的獻給上帝, 因為他相信, 那最大的獎賞, 不朽的冠冕, 是在天上. Jeremy希望在職業籃球生涯結束之後, 能上神學院, 裝備自己成為牧師, 結合他在經濟學和籃球上的專長去傳福音, 為社會工作盡力. 太感動了!

求主保守這位年輕人在球場上的安全, 無論輸球贏球, 都榮耀主的名. 求主把平安喜樂大大的賜給他和他的家人, 禱告奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們.

Friday, February 3, 2012


2012的上半年, 查經的主題是夫妻關係. 我一直沒想懂, Adam在伊甸園好像過得還不錯, 為什麼神會說: "那人獨居不好, 我要為他造一個配偶幫助他." 這回非弄個水落石出不可.

網路上曾經有姊妹分享對男人的看法: "男人哪, 就好比一個洋蔥. 想要看他的心, 需要一層一層的去剝, 在剝的過程中, 妳會不斷的流淚, 剝到最後, 妳才知道洋蔥根本沒有心." 這麼悲情? 天哪! 太可怕了.

雖然看了涼颼颼的, 還是故作輕鬆, 把它當作笑話在Blog分享. 有人看了傳簡訊來問: "你需要偷看老婆的日記才有資料寫啊?" 非常幽默. 我老婆是沒有寫日記的習慣, 感謝主, 她沒有耐心. 若有需要, 她會一刀把洋蔥切成兩半, 看看心在哪裡. 男子漢大丈夫, 圖的不就是個痛快? 要殺要剮, 都行! 一層一層的剝皮? 天哪! 太可怕了.

開玩笑歸開玩笑, 願這回查經後, 能更明白神的心意.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Chicken and Duck Talk

We have been praying for our daughter, wishing her get closer to God again. It took long time. Finally, God answered our prayers and led her back to church. Thanks God! We appreciate it so much. We never thought that God would make it happen in Taiwan though (she's teaching English there).

A few days ago, my daughter talked to her mom over the phone in American-Chinese. As parents of ABC’s, you and I know how it goes. It really won’t surprise us if we see chicken and duck talk to each other. She told her mom that she needed to 受訓 (I thought she said 休息). My wife was so amazed at God's work. Wow! that fast?! She thought my daughter was going to 受洗. When chicken said: "十個千." Duck needed time to respond: "Oh? ...一萬!"


Elder Yeung of ACC (Arlington Chinese Church) had a great preaching in NLGC today. He preached Philippians 4: 1-18 to encourage us be gentle to everyone on everything. The testimony he brought up for Philippians 4: 6-7 touched me the most. It was about a sister who found no way to handle a kid in her Sunday school class. Then, she turned her headache to God and prayed for a solution. Later, she was surprised that God didn't do a thing for what she prayed and expected. Instead, God completely cooled her down and made her no anger when the kid did a bad thing again in her class. It turned out to be the kid was surprised by her different reaction and started behavior much better... It's easy to share messages, but difficult to duplicate the touched feeling. That's why we need attend Sunday worship to take messages by ourselves.

Philippians 4: 6-7:

6. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

應當一無掛慮, 只要凡事藉著禱告,祈求,和感謝, 將你們所要的告訴神.

7. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

神所賜出人意外的平安, 必在基督耶穌裡保守你們的心懷意念.