明天(08/19/2020)是我70歲生日, 日子過得真快, 轉眼這個Blog也存在10年了. 詩篇90:10説: “我們一生的年日是七十歲, 若是強壯可到八十歲; 但其中所矜誇的不過是勞苦愁煩, 轉眼成空, 我們便如飛而去.” 為70歲感謝讚美主! 也為這個Blog感謝讚美主, 它為我累積了300多個記憶, 裡面有歡笑也有淚水, 回頭望去, 全是恩典. 只可惜我這條老命還没有結過果子, 若是明天就被接走, 我的生命將如詩篇90:9所説: “…度盡的年歲好像一聲歎息.” 求主憐憫, 賜給我力量, 讓我離開之前能多做幾件合祢心意的事. 也幫助我記得, 70歲後多出的每一天都感謝讚美祢.
Happy Birthday!!!
“You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis
Happy birthday!
You have done a lot quietly for the church, thru many years.
There is a crown in heaven for you, my friend!
Happy Birthday!
“You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.”
Happy Birthday! It's God blessing to you and setting you around our daily life in brotherhood. God knows you have a good and soft heart and always bring "happiness" to the people around you.
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