凡事都可行, 但不都有益處. 凡事都可行, 但不都造就人(林前10:23). 無論做什麼, 都要為榮耀神而行 (林前10:31). 這些經文, 是我信主後對自己的提醒和盼望. 没想到嘻笑人生, 20多年過去, 還没結出好果子. 以後請大家換個角度看我: "還好這人已經信主了, 不然更糟."

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Randy we love you (2023-1228)

Dear Randy,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share with you something important Kat has been doing lately. She's been dedicated to the 21-Days Daniel Fast, a journey aimed at feeding the soul, strengthening the spirit, and renewing the body. This fasting period began on 12/10 and will conclude on 12/31.

Kat has been genuinely concerned about you, and her devotion includes frequent prayers for your well-being throughout these 21 days. It might sound a bit unconventional, but we've experienced some remarkably fortunate moments in the past few weeks, and it's hard to dismiss the potential impact of prayers. I'm grateful that Kat has willingly chosen to set aside her daily routine for this fast, with only 3 days left. Let's hope she accomplishes it faithfully, joyfully, and successfully, all for your benefit.

I understand that her expectations for your cooperation, especially regarding desserts and beverages, may feel a bit high. I know receiving such advice might be bothersome, but consider it a crucial and kind reminder during this crucial time. Stay strong; when God prunes away branches that don't bear fruit, the process may not be pleasant, but the ultimate consequence will be a source of joy.

Sending you positive vibes and hoping for your continued strength,


Monday, December 25, 2023

Randy we love you (2023-1225)

Dear Randy,

I hope this letter finds you in moments of strength and courage. Life has a funny way of throwing challenges our way, and I know that facing type 1 diabetes and a recent colon cancer diagnosis feels overwhelming.

I want you to know that you are not alone in this journey. We, your family, are here to support you every step of the way. Facing such health issues can be daunting, but with the right mindset and a few lifestyle changes, we can navigate this together.

Firstly, I want to emphasize the importance of quality sleep. I know you enjoy staying up late playing computer games, but ensuring you get enough rest is crucial for your overall well-being. Sleep is the body's way of healing, and in times like these, every bit of healing counts.

Consulting with a dietitian is another crucial step. A balanced and nutritious diet can make a significant difference in managing your conditions. They can help tailor a meal plan that suits your needs and supports your overall health.

Taking up light exercise is also essential. It doesn't have to be strenuous, but incorporating movement into your routine can help prevent weakness and improve your overall energy levels. Even a short walk each day can make a world of difference.

I also want to encourage you to consider spiritual support. Talking to Jesus and seeking His guidance can bring immense comfort and strength. Sometimes, faith can be a source of solace and resilience during challenging times.

Remember, Randy, this journey is about making small, positive changes every day. It's okay to ask for help, and it's okay to lean on your loved ones for support. You have the strength within you to face these challenges head-on, and we are here to walk beside you.

Wishing you strength, healing, and the courage to embrace positive changes.

With love,


Sunday, November 26, 2023

主日的感動 (2023-1126)

今天胡牧師證道引用以弗所書5:22~33, 講夫妻的相處需要愛與尊重之間他分享了一個他的個人見證多年前他還在追求師母時有次他决定要分手原因是兩人只要起爭執不管他對他錯最後道歉的總是他這日子哪過的下去啊所以就不去找她了熬了没幾天在聖靈的催促下他買了束花去師母那兒敲門遞給她時説: “昨天的胡大仁已經死了…” 😂台下笑翻了都佩服胡牧師自己找台階下的本事胡牧師的Credit肯定很好用這方法的成功率應該是100%. 感謝讚美主.

Carol和我在家常各執己見互不相讓可當我們短時間分開時就比較能體諒對方相互間會多幾句好話有次我從台灣傳簡訊問她些事一下子就解决了雙方還噓寒問暖了幾句那感覺真是很不錯一時忘了我在她那兒没什麼Credit, 傳給她這個: “I’ll be a better husband when I go home.” 完了還期待會有個比較感性的回應她倒是馬上就回了只有一個字: “”. 😂

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


10/30下午, 我擠進Patio一個很窄的空間, 去拿了個蠻重的東西, 倒退著走出來時, 踩到鼠籠, 身體失去重心, 因為没有空間轉身, 仰面往後跌倒. 摔到一半, 才有機會把手裡的東西扔了. 然後急忙轉身, 以免後腦著地. 體重220磅的我, 這一跤就像1515磅重的黃國寶米同時從架子上掉下來, 摔的驚天動地. 最後我的右膝(好的膝蓋)撞到地上, 裡外都痛到不行. 只能先忍著, 偷偷溜進屋裡處理傷口, 然後再出來收拾殘局, 把踩扁的鼠籠扔進院子裡的大垃圾桶. 不敢讓Carol知道我摔跤了, 以免她唸唸叨叨. 昨天我的後背, 肩膀, 和脖子因摔跤酸痛時, 我也不敢吭氣, 真是自作孽. 感謝神的憐憫, 今天(11/01)早上已好多了. 可我雖然感謝神, 卻忘了行事誠實才能得神喜悦, 所以又出狀況:

Carol好幾年没往院子裡的大垃圾桶丟東西, 天網恢恢, 偏偏就在今天中午, 她丟了點垃圾進去: “老宋!? 為什麼把鼠籠踩扁丟裡面? What happened?” 這才想到, 昨天該在上面蓋點别的東西的, … ! 先避重就輕的給個説法: “我們抓到的那幾隻老鼠, 前天來討命…” 這種理由當然過不了關, 最後還是把經過情形和盤托出, 雖然被她數落: “你知道嗎? 你不是一點點笨, 你是真得很笨! …” 我不必再躲躲閃閃, 心裡輕鬆多了, 感謝神讓我靈裡得自由.